Partner solutions

Together with our partners, we offer you smart data solutions with the best B2B data.

Our expertise lies in creating added value from data and information. The scope, depth of information and up-to-dateness of our database are unique.

Our partners’ B2B solutions for analytics and customer insights are just as unique.

Together with our partners, we offer you top-class B2B data in smart data solutions. Use the power of beDirect partner solutions to understand your customers and optimize your business processes.

In these solutions you work with beDirect data:

Automated address capture

Classic data network platforms work with a central database. However, the reality in many companies is often an evolved, decentralized database structure.

With addressware, you can benefit from the advantages and synergies of a central database without having to actually merge the databases.

By building its own search base, addressware offers you a 360-degree view of all B2B data, regardless of which database you are currently working in. Individual queries in real time are just as possible as regular checks of the entire database, e.g. for duplicates or changes to the legal form.

Analysis & Visualization

Apteco FastStats helps you turn the largest data sets into an efficient and structured source for intelligent analysis.

Apteco FastStats’ powerful data analysis helps you deliver the personalized experience to each and every customer,
that he expects. Why? Because customers who feel understood are loyal brand ambassadors.
For you, this means more sales and greater profits.

Finding addresses made easy

The user-friendly search-and-find solution for the identification and web research of your B2B contacts.

With this data solution you have your company information quickly available! You can use the beDirect web application to intuitively find your potential customer group by company name, name component, location, field of activity, URL and many other search criteria and use this knowledge to your advantage. With just one click, you can access a wealth of information about your potential. From classic features such as company size and industry information to social media activities and networking information.

Customer Qualification

Qualified information for successful business relationships. Incorrect B2B data, duplicates and payment defaults by contractual partners or customers impair the economic success of your company.

The Customer Qualification Module from CURSOR Software AG, which was developed jointly with Creditreform and beDirect, provides you with an efficient tool for error-free and system-supported new address creation directly as a data solution in your CURSOR CRM.

This gives you a targeted customer approach and credit check in your CRM and you can always keep an eye on the solvency of your business partners.

B2B data: Company profiles for download

Find quick and easy access to high-quality B2B information on German and Austrian companies – via the Genios databases.

The top database for company profiles from beDirect gives you access to around 5 million credit-checked and commercially active B2B addresses via GBI-Genios.

The hit list shows transparently what information is involved and what it costs in each individual case. Billing is as simple as in any good store system.


Find new customers on your website by identifying anonymous visitors to your website.

LeadLab lets you know which companies are online on your website. The B2B software LeadLab provides you with highly relevant information about the visitors to your website. Based on B2B data from beDirect, the LeadLab data solution recognizes which companies visit your website – and thus transforms anonymous website traffic into promising leads and customers of tomorrow.

Improve your address management!

Mit diesem Analysetool können Sie Ihre eigenen Daten mit einer der besten Referenzdatenbanken Deutschland vergleichen.

Erfahren Sie neue Insights aus Ihrer Kundendatenbank.

Wir freuen uns über Ihre Anfrage. Alternativ zum Kontaktformular können Sie uns gerne eine E-Mail senden an

Geschäftspartnerqualifizierung in Ihrem CURSOR-CRM

Der schnellere Weg zu besseren Daten.

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Identifizieren Sie die B2B-Besucher Ihrer Website.

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Ich interessiere mich für die Produkte und Lösungen von beDirect

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Ich interessiere mich für die Produkte und Lösungen von beDirect

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Ich interessiere mich für Unternehmensadressen aus Deutschland und Europa

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Ich interessiere mich für B2B-Leads durch Web-Recherche

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Ich interessiere mich für Adressen von Ansprechpartnern und Funktionsträgern.

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Ich interessiere mich für die Verifizierung von B2B-Adressen in Echtzeit

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Ich interessiere mich für die Bereinigung und Anreicherung meiner Stammdaten

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Ich interessiere mich für die Bereinigung und Anreicherung meiner B2B-Datenbank

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Ich interessiere mich für die CRM-Integration

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Ich interessiere mich für den Waschabgleich meiner B2B-Mailinglisten

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Alle Adressen durchlaufen einen gründlichen Waschabgleich – das steigert Ihre Effizienz.

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